5 Things to know about PRP Therapy

5 Things to know about PRP Therapy

Platelet rich plasma therapy (PRP) is a relatively new and revolutionary method of treatment and it evolved along with stem cell research.  The following information offers insight into this amazing treatment option for those considering it or simply wanting to know more about it.

1. PRP Therapy uses a patient’s own blood plasma to treat damaged tissue. Once aspirated fromPRP Therapy California the body, the blood is put through a special process that leaves the injectable product enriched with platelets. The average life of a platelet is between 5-9 days, and they are very important because they function as a natural source of growth factors that stimulate and speed up the healing of bones and soft tissues such as tendons and ligaments once injected into the patient.

2. PRP can do what your body is not able to on its own. When tendon or ligament injury occurs, something that we commonly refer to as a tear, pull, strain, sprain, the collagen fibers (that make our muscle) are over stretched or torn. Since these fibers have blood vessels in them, in case of an injury, they bleed, and as a result, bruising occurs around the injury. Our body responds with an increase of blow flow to the area in order to aid the healing process.

This “new” blood has in its composition platelets and other growth factors that help the tissue healing by creating new collagen fibers, structured in a very precise way that will eventually allow the tendon or ligament to regain its flexibility and strength. But sometimes this doesn’t happen, and scar tissue occurs, which furthermore alters the blood flow and as a result the tissue will never heal the proper way. This is where PRP therapy comes in; taking over the damaged area with what it needs to heal. In addition, the PRP calls in the body’s stem cells as well to help with repair and regeneration.

3. Your blood and a special machine, and injections are all that’s involved in PRP therapy. Your blood is taken from your arm by syringe and then spun by a special centrifuge machine in order to generate the platelets and growth factors which are essential for the natural PRP Orange Countyhealing process. This new special fluid is known as platelet rich plasma (PRP). It is injected into your injured area so that natural healing begins.

4. There is little risk or recovery time involved with PRP therapy. Other than some localized tenderness at the injection site, there have been no adverse reactions reported with PRP. Since a patient’s own blood is used in this therapy, there’s no chance of the body rejecting the platelet rich plasma and no allergic reaction to the injected blood.

5. PRP is generally safe for people of all ages. A simple medical assessment by the PRP doctor will confirm whether or not you are a candidate for this safe and effective treatment that is eliminating the need for surgeries for many kinds of injuries and conditions.

Telehealth has two locations in Southern California and offers PRP therapy along with stem cell injections for numerous musculoskeletal indications along with cosmetic indications. This includes PRP therapy and stem cell therapy for tendonitis, ligament injuries and degenerative arthritis.

At times, insurance covers some or all of the cost for treatment. Call (888) 885-8675 for more information and scheduling with the Board Certified doctors today.

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