How Is A Fat-Derived Stem Cell Injection Performed?

How Is A Fat-Derived Stem Cell Injection Performed?

Stem cells are the new wonders of 21st century medicine because they break the barrier of modern medicine and open up a new chapter in the way we evaluate disease and treat injuries. This type of regenerative medicine has evolved in parallel with advanced research methods and biotechnological progress, offering a safe way to heal our injuries and some conditions naturally.

Research shows that there are different kinds of stem cells, but the two most widely known are the embryonic and adult stem cells. The embryonic stem cells are harvested from unborn or unwanted embryos (there’s a considerable debate on this practice), while the adult stem cells are usually found in the bone marrow, peripheral blood, fat, as well as other parts of the body. The stem cells have the unique and amazing natural ability to self-renew and transform themselves into repair agents and as a consequence, help our body naturally heal itself.Adipose derived stem cells

There are several steps involved when going through stem cell therapy and before you get to the point of having your fat-derived stem cell injected. The first step is a thorough evaluation by a qualified doctor at a stem cell therapy clinic that will look at your full medical history and other factors in order to decide whether or not you are a desirable candidate for stem cell therapy in the first place.

If you qualify for stem cell therapy, the next step requires physicians to harvest stem cells from your body, in this case from your adipose tissue (fat). These types of stem cells have the ability to develop into new types of tissue and also it has been proven they help fight against autoimmune diseases by suppressing pathologically immune responses. When it comes to autoimmune diseases, some cases worth mentioning are osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.

During the procedure, stem cells are harvested through a minimally invasive method known as aspiration (similar to liposuction), which lasts only a few minutes and doesn’t hurt thanks to the use of a local anesthetic. Once the aspiration portion of the process is complete, stem cells are processed with the help of a powerful centrifuge in order to separate the platelets, growth factors and other important elements. The processing takes approximately 90 minutes, though this can vary from clinic to clinic depending on the equipment used. Once the new fluid is ready for use, physicians inject the adipose derived stem cells into the injured area and the healing process begins.

Because the stem cells are harvested from your own body, there is no risk of rejection or allergies. Moreover, the process itself is painless and there is minimal discomfort and no restrictions on your daily activity.

Telehealth is a top West Coast stem cell clinic offering numerous types of stem cell therapy procedures. The doctors are Board Certified and the procedures include PRP therapy, bone marrow, blood and fat derived stem cell therapy. Call (888) 885-8675 for more information and scheduling today!

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